How Important is Flooring When You Sell Your Home?

If you are looking to sell a property, naturally you would want to sell it for the best price possible. Making a decent profit when doing so, wouldn’t hurt either. However, selling a house can be an extremely complicated and stressful process. There are so many undertakings that occupy the mind and your time, the least of which is the home’s flooring.

Portuguese Golden Visa Focuses On New Investment Areas

The long-anticipated changes to Portugal’s Golden Visa programme have now been signed into law and investment will be channelled inland from January 2022. Greater Lisbon, Porto and most coastal areas of Portugal will no longer be available for investment under Portugal’s revised Golden Visa scheme. Instead, residential property investment will be directed to the less-densely populated interior and the regions of Azores and Madeira.

Does The Story Of The Home Help Sell It To Buyers?

Once upon a time, real estate listings were just simple facts about the number of bedrooms, square footage, and amenities such as a splash pool and flat backyard. Today, agents are telling compelling stories about properties for the purpose of using the story to help sell the house.

House Prices Up By 2.3% in Aberdeen

Aberdeen is historically known for its strong ties with the North Sea. Boasting notable fishing and shipping industries as well as a lively cultural scene, the third largest city in Scotland is a multi-faceted area which offers its visitors a broad range of things to see and do. A new report shows that Aberdeen house prices rose by 2.3% in the last quarter and further to this, the annual house price change in Aberdeen city and suburbs is +6.6%.

10 Day Trading Strategies for Beginners

Day trading is the act of buying and selling a financial instrument (monetary contracts between parties. Day trading is only profitable in the long run when traders take it seriously and do their research beforehand. Also, day trading is a job; not a hobby. You, therefore, need to treat it as such. Remember to be diligent, focused, objective and keep your emotions out of it. Business is business.

7 Common UK Property Investment Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

With regards to property investment, there isn’t a mistake that hasn’t already been made. Most are made by beginner investors, who haven’t yet gained the experience to avoid them. These mistakes often stop investors from continuing after their first investment and becoming property millionaires.

Here are some of the most common property investment mistakes and how to avoid them.

What Is Due Diligence And Why Is It Important?

Mergers and acquisitions can be an exciting part of business transformations, especially if you’re a business owner who's received an attractive offer from a prospective buyer. Due diligence, simply put, is essentially an investigation to target any risk from a legal perspective. It should be conducted prior to entering into any agreement or transaction.

Tips For Selling Your Home

Like most sellers, you will be looking for a swift sale for the optimum price. This means your home needs to stand out from its competitors and present a winning combination of correct pricing and a lot of appeal, which speaks to the emotional aspect of real estate investment, with responses such as “I just fell in love with the place” often sealing the deal.

Unemployment In The UK

In the UK you must register as unemployed with Jobcentre Plus. When becoming unemployed there are various benefits that you may be eligible for, but it will depend on your individual circumstances. For more information about benefits and its eligibility criteria visit the Jobcentre Plus benefits page.

Gap Insurance And Why You Need It

GAP Insurance, short for Guaranteed Asset Protection. Designed to work alongside your standard insurance. Topping up the difference between what they will pay, and what you’ll need in order to get back on your feet after a loss.

Have You Considered Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency investing is one of the newest ways to earn profit. A cryptocurrency or commonly known as “crypto” is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit and it can be used to buy goods and services. It is utilised online to secure online transactions.

Last Minute Financial Planning

Finances during retirement can be a huge source of anxiety. When you pictured retirement, you probably imagined spending time on the beach, going on holiday at least once a year. However, we often discover the reality is not what we pictured.

Plan For Retirement

Most of us leave this important part of our lives to the last minute. It is vital to be ready for retirement. It will make for a stress-free period, making retirement more enjoyable and not a life sentence. It is never too late to plan. This should have been part of your plans when you started out as a young man or woman. However, life often gets in the way, and before you know it, you’re almost there. It is never too late, if you at least start preparing.

How To Invest In Property

Do you want to become a big property tycoon? Baby steps first. Before you begin looking at properties, you need to work out what type of property investor you want to be. Do you need partners to start out with, or do you want to join an already established group of investors? If you start off by yourself, you will be the only one who will reap the rewards from your investment.

Why Should You Do Regular Maintenance On Your Home?

There is nothing that maintains your home’s value better than regular maintenance. A good home maintenance plan will save you time and money against costly repairs or replacements like drains, burst pipes and leaking roofs. Your insurer will have no excuse in rejecting a claim if he/she can see the lack of ongoing maintenance on your property.

Why Is It Important To Damp Proof Your House?

Waterproofing is a very important part of the initial construction requirement of a building. Buildings are waterproofed to protect the structure from future damage. However, many households and commercial premises report damage and problems that may be associated with inadequate waterproofing and ventilation applied in the beginning of the construction stages.