Preparing Your Home For The Winter Months

Preparing Your Home For The Winter Months

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Winter is setting in and are we ready for it? 

Just as we get ready each year for the spring and summer months, we need to prepare for winter.  It is probably one of the most important seasons to be prepared for. 

Just like getting your wardrobe ready for the colder months, it is vital to get your home ready for the upcoming freeze. If you are not ready in any way, this could have an impact on your finances as a poorly heated home could cost you extra money daily.

Start by checking your windows and doors for draughts. Hot air escaping out this way also lets in the cold air. Make sure you tackle this as soon as possible. A good time of year to put up some new décor and hang up thicker curtains is during winter. It will help to keep the warm air inside for longer. Insulation is your number one defence against the cold. There are material door stoppers that can prevent air from escaping and entering into a room. Place these at the bedroom doors too. If you are unsure of how to do this or just don’t have the time, try getting in a professional to assist. Although the call-out may cost you now, it will save you money during the winter months if your home is properly sealed and insulated.

It’s a good idea to check the roof for leaks as you did before summer started. New damage could have been caused by rain and wind without your knowledge. While you are up there it is a great opportunity to clear out the gutters again too. Water or ice build-up could be caused from blocked down pipes and gutters. It will save you a lot of headaches to get this done before there is a problem during winter.

If you are lucky enough to have an open fireplace, start by gathering enough wood to keep the fires burning as and when you need it. Store your wood in a dry area, like a garage or garden shed that stays dry during winter. Tie your wood into bundles that are easy to carry when you need them too. Clean out the chimney as a bird might have made a nest there during the summer months and are looking to stay for winter too. Again, if you’d rather not do this yourself, hire a company that provides this service. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Always have safety on your mind during these colder months.  Accidents happen quickly and we need to be prepared for those unexpected incidents. 

Did you know that you able to reverse your ceiling fans? Makes a lot of sense. Your fans will create an updraft of air, which pushes warmer air from the ceiling down into the room. This is particularly useful in rooms with high ceilings, where warm air rises and sits far above the room.

It’s time to bring out the thick rugs and soft full throws. Cover open tiled or wooden floors with rugs to minimise the cold under foot. Air out your winter blankets and duvets. Pack away the summer linen and bring out the flannel sheets and pillowcases.

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Consider bringing in some winter plants and flowers. Not only will it brighten up the home and bring in a freshness to the closed off house, but you’ll be saving it from the elements as well. Flowers make a room joyful and have amazing scents to keep a little bit of nature inside while we cannot be outside to enjoy them.

Candles in your home will create a warm and cosy atmosphere. Adding a little romance when needed.

Now, all we need is a cup of hot chocolate and a good book to keep us warm. Enjoy!

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