Plumbing Services

Certified & Vetted Professionals | Premium & High-Quality Services | Great Prices

We offer a wide range of plumbing services, including bathroom repairs, kitchen repairs, radiator repairs, boiler repairs, central heating repairs and new installations.

Get Started
In 3 Simple Steps

1: Request Your Service

Book your service through our website. We will allocate a professional from our preferred suppliers' list to conduct the service specific to your request. Once your expert has quoted on the job, a 20% deposit of the work needed will be payable to Metric Investments through our safe and secure online payment system on our website.

A convenient date and time are arranged, and your dedicated expert is booked to conduct the job. Your deposit will secure your date, time and overall booking.

2: Guaranteed Quality Workmanship Provided

Metric Investments continues to bring you the highest quality plumbing services. As a result, we assure professionalism, the ability to resolve your plumbing issues and the highest quality finishes when using our services. All of our professional partners are selected, vetted and quality assured by Metric Investments.

A new quote will be submitted if any further work is required or unexpected additional work is required. Should the amount of this quotation exceed the initial amount, a deposit for this work shall be payable to Metric Investments via the same process as before.

3: Required Works Are Now Completed

Never again will you have to worry about unprofessional or non-qualified handyperson services trying their hand at your project or problem. Reduce the stress, expense and time wasted on poor-performing "professionals" and hire a Metric Investments expert today.

Plumbing Services - Metric


3 Easy Options To Get Started With Your Plumbing Needs

Option 1: Book An Appointment With An Expert

Book an appointment with an expert below. Our expert plumber will contact you to discuss the job and give you a quote and estimated hours. The payment link is sent for the job booking. The job is then confirmed upon receipt of payment.

Option 2: Book An Appointment Using Our Form

Book an appointment using our form below and detail as much information about the job or work required. The expert will contact you to discuss the job and the quote/hours needed to complete your job. Additional photos/videos for the job at hand may be necessary. The payment link is sent for the job booking. The job is then confirmed upon receipt of payment.

Option 3: Get A Quick Quote

Book now by using the estimated hours for your work required. The expert will contact you to discuss the job and the quote/hours required. The payment link is sent for the job booking. The job is then confirmed upon receipt of payment.

Getting Started

Select Your Option To Get Started Below

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

1 Hour Of Plumbing Services
from £50.00