Does The Story Of The Home Help Sell It To Buyers?

Does The Story Of The Home Help Sell It To Buyers?

Once upon a time, real estate listings were just simple facts about the number of bedrooms, square footage, and amenities such as a splash pool and flat backyard. Today, agents are telling compelling stories about properties for the purpose of using the story to help sell the house.

The storytelling of a house for sale is becoming a major talking point in real estate circles. Every home has a history and a story to tell and if those four walls could talk, often they would have one amazing story to tell. So, how does the agent tap into that particular background and nuances and is there any value in that?

It may be crucial to celebrate the home and its features because at the end of the day, isn't that exactly what motivates buyers? The ability to see themselves in that particular home, imagining their first family cricket game in the backyard, the swing on the tree where the little one will spend hours dangling, and the kitchen where memories will be made to last a lifetime.

From cradle to grave, people love stories, and that doesn’t change when they search for a property to buy or to rent. Pretty pictures and the right price might lure a shopper to a listing, but a well-written narrative, can be the hook that ultimately reels in a buyer.

It should therefore be the obligation of the agent or broker to connect with the buyer so that they understand the home. Building relationships and abiding by a strong set of values where people are the priority guides the agent along this path.

It is in these moments where the agent and seller connect and reminisce that value emerges and the truth of the home is brought to light.

The advantage of modern age tools is that they can further enhance the story, by using beautiful photographs and videos, blogs about the home etc. However, it still takes human relationships to make a house a home, and that is one of the main reasons that Metric Investments build these strong relationships.

 Contact Metric Investments for all your housing and real estate requirements.

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