Unemployment In The UK

Unemployment In The UK

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In the UK you must register as unemployed with Jobcentre Plus. When becoming unemployed there are various benefits that you may be eligible for, but it will depend on your individual circumstances. For more information about benefits and its eligibility criteria visit the Jobcentre Plus benefits page.

If you've lost your job, the main benefit you can claim is new style Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA). You might also be able to get help with costs such as housing and childcare through Universal Credit.

A benefits calculator can help you, quickly and easily, find out what you could be claiming. These benefits have a lower capital limit of £6,000 and an upper capital limit of £16,000. If you have less than £6,000 of capital, then you should be able to claim the full benefits.

What should you consider after losing your paycheque?

Ask for a complete reason for your termination. Did you do something wrong, and can you earn back their trust? Sometimes it is difficult to put our pride in our pocket and ask for a second chance, but it could be worth it in the end. Are you being let go because of the company’s financial standing? Make sure you understand the situation so you can act on it appropriately in order to save your position. You could possibly stay on with a reduced salary.

Ask if there are any other positions you could fill, even if it is an entry-level job. You will still be in the job market and can always lookout for something else in the meantime.

If you must vacate your position, try your best to leave on good terms. Ask for a letter of reference that will help you find something else. If the company changes for the better, they could call you back in.

File for unemployment benefits. Don’t wait on this. Get the ball rolling as soon as possible. There may be a waiting period before you get any help. Again, treat the people you come across with respect as they are trying to help everyone, and with the current pandemic running rife around the globe, everyone is struggling.

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When it comes to being unemployed and applying for a new job, you need to take a step back and have a look in the mirror. Are you presentable? Are your clothes neat and tidy? That first contact with a possible employer will make or break the deal.  Hide any tattoos if you must. Have a haircut if you feel this would make you look more presentable.

Make sure your resume is updated and ready to be handed out at a moment’s notice. You do not want people sitting around waiting unnecessarily for you. Remember there could be a lot of potential candidates applying for the same position you are.

It’s no good sitting around and waiting for people or jobs to come to you. That is most likely never going to happen. You will have to go around in your immediate area and look for possible positions available. If that fails, you can look on the internet. Register with recruiters and get onto their data base as soon as you can. 

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Looking for employment can be a job in itself. It can take time. Other than looking for work, try to improve your skills. Or, try learning a new skill. This will broaden your search for employment.

Look at your hobbies, are they able to bring in an income? Think out of the box. You could land up with a new career path that suits you better.

Remember to keep your head up and continue to try. When the time is right you will find something suitable and perhaps you will be happier than you were before!

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