All tagged Real Estate Investment

How Important is Flooring When You Sell Your Home?

If you are looking to sell a property, naturally you would want to sell it for the best price possible. Making a decent profit when doing so, wouldn’t hurt either. However, selling a house can be an extremely complicated and stressful process. There are so many undertakings that occupy the mind and your time, the least of which is the home’s flooring.

Portuguese Golden Visa Focuses On New Investment Areas

The long-anticipated changes to Portugal’s Golden Visa programme have now been signed into law and investment will be channelled inland from January 2022. Greater Lisbon, Porto and most coastal areas of Portugal will no longer be available for investment under Portugal’s revised Golden Visa scheme. Instead, residential property investment will be directed to the less-densely populated interior and the regions of Azores and Madeira.

Does The Story Of The Home Help Sell It To Buyers?

Once upon a time, real estate listings were just simple facts about the number of bedrooms, square footage, and amenities such as a splash pool and flat backyard. Today, agents are telling compelling stories about properties for the purpose of using the story to help sell the house.

7 Common UK Property Investment Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

With regards to property investment, there isn’t a mistake that hasn’t already been made. Most are made by beginner investors, who haven’t yet gained the experience to avoid them. These mistakes often stop investors from continuing after their first investment and becoming property millionaires.

Here are some of the most common property investment mistakes and how to avoid them.

What Is Due Diligence And Why Is It Important?

Mergers and acquisitions can be an exciting part of business transformations, especially if you’re a business owner who's received an attractive offer from a prospective buyer. Due diligence, simply put, is essentially an investigation to target any risk from a legal perspective. It should be conducted prior to entering into any agreement or transaction.

U.K. Housing Prices Set An All Time Record

Even after the official end of the Covid lockdown in England, the housing demand in London remains quiet. The average asking price of £645,246 was adjusted down by 0.8% from June to July. An unusual occurrence for the generally busier London housing market.

Your Personality Could Make You Successful in Real Estate

Working in the real estate industry can be tricky. The research that needs to be conducted in order to find a good piece of land, the finances that need to be “found” and then working with the contractors and builders in order to properly and efficiently develop the property can be exhausting. What do you require in order to unlock the true leadership potential in this cutthroat industry?

Property Management – Why It’s Important For Your Investment

When you invest in property, especially if it is your first time, it’s a really good idea to look at the option of a Property Management Company to assist you. They offer a wide range of knowledge, tools and resources within the industry that could take you months (or even years) to develop. Also, by choosing the correct Property Manager could mean all the difference between a failed or highly successful investment.

Tips and Tricks to Remember When Investing In Property

Investing in property is one of the best ways to build yourself an income and increase your wealth. That being said, it is always a good idea to properly investigate and weigh up the options with any investment, and with the following handy tips and tricks, we’re hoping to guide you in making the best decision when it comes to investing your hard-earned money into property.