Homebuyers Looking For Greenery

Homebuyers Looking For Greenery

The Housing market post-Covid-19 lockdown has seen a buyer demand surge for spaces with gardens, balconies and near local parks.


A study done by conveyancing firm TRUE Solicitors has found that web searches for "Gardening DIY" has significantly increased. From February to March of this year 2020, search phrases like 'grow your own vegetables' has spiked with an 81% increase in searches. In the same study, it shows that people residing in cities Bristol, Sheffield, and Edinburgh are the top searchers for DIY tips.

Jeremy Leaf, north London estate agent & former RICS residential chairman, said: "Overall, first-time buyers, in particular, seem more nervous about employment prospects as the furlough support falls away. We are seeing more demand for smaller family houses where buyers are taking a longer-term view of market prospects."

In another survey administered by RICS UK Residential Market, it was found that 81% of respondents believe the country will see an increase in desire for homes with gardens or balconies.

The same study shows that 74% feel a change in demand will occur. More home-buyers will choose properties located near green spaces while 68% opine that houses with more private and less shared spaces will be most searched for by would-be buyers.

London buyers and renters will be on the look-out for houses with two or three bedrooms. This is a conclusion from another study that confirms how much the lockdown has influenced the shift in buyer trend.

The Director of Property Lender MT Finance, Mr Tomer Aboody believes that this interest in outside spaces and parks will cause a renewal of interest for home counties, "...buyers feel they can get more bang for their buck the further out of the city centre they are prepared to go. This will also give them more indoor space to work from home in future, and perhaps make a second lockdown easier to deal with."

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