Part delivery
Alternatively known as a part release -the delivery by a transit shed operator of part of a Customs released consignment.

Part shipment 
The description for each of the two or more parts of a split export consignment.

Paying agent 
A trader known to HM Revenue & Customs and formally set up on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system who transmits import or customs warehouse removal declarations to the CHIEF system.

Payment in advance
An exporter may be able to negotiate these terms for all or part of its shipment. The exporter bears no risks or financing costs. Payment or part-payment in advance is typically used for low-value sales to individuals or new customers.

Period entry
The period within which the quantity of goods specified by a licence must be imported or exported.

Period of validity 
The period within which the quantity of goods specified by a licence must be imported or exported.

Personal export scheme (PES) 
A scheme under which a VAT-registered supplier can supply a motor vehicle to certain customers in the UK free of VAT, on condition that the vehicle is exported to a destination outside the European Union (EU) within a fixed time. Subject to some restrictions the vehicle may also be used in the EU prior to its final export.

Phytosanitary Certificates (PHYTO (Sanitary) Certificate) 
Written verification that plant and plant products meet the standards required for foreign countries.

Point of entry 
The location at which imported goods first enter the UK. This is not necessarily the place at which goods are presented for Customs clearance.

Post-shipment declaration 
A full statistical export declaration submitted to the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system after goods have been exported. A post shipment declaration is required following the export of goods under the simplified declaration procedure and local clearance procedure.

Pre-finance goods 
An arrangement whereby an export refund is paid on Common Agricultural Policy goods in advance of the actual export. Goods must be deposited in a Customs warehouse or free zone specially approved for pre-financing.

System permitting payment of Common Agricultural Policy export refund when goods for export are placed in Customs control in warehouse, or when basic products from which goods for export are to be produced are placed in Customs control at the manufacturing premises.

Pre-shipment advice 
An abbreviated export declaration presented to HM Revenue & Customs at the time of export.

Pre-shipment declaration
A full statistical export declaration lodged with HM Revenue & Customs together with the goods before the time of shipment. A full manual declaration may be made either electronically, using the national export system, or as a manual declaration. At a designated export place a Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight declaration must be submitted.

Pre-shipment inspection (PSI) 
A few countries require goods and documents to be examined before export by an independent agency. In some countries it's optional but can be requested by the customer. Usually, countries where PSI applies have appointed one dedicated agency to perform the pre-shipment inspection. Normally, your freight forwarder or customer will be able to advise on the necessary arrangements.

A system under which eligible goods imported into the European Union (EU) from certain non-EU countries qualify for a reduced (often nil) rate of Customs duty. These arrangements also cover EU goods exported to the non-EU country.

Presentation of goods 
The notification to Customs in the manner laid down of the arrival of goods at the Customs office or at any other place designated or approved by Customs.

Private warehouse 
A Customs warehouse reserved for the warehousing of goods by the warehouse keeper, ie the warehouse keeper is also the depositor of the goods.

Pro forma invoice
Invoice provided by an exporter to an import customer before shipping. Typically used when the importer has to organise foreign exchange or get an import licence.

Procedure for Electronic Application for Certificates (PEACH) 
Created to help businesses comply with the requirement for pre-notification of horticultural consignments being imported into the European Community (EC) and which fall under the EC Marketing Standards.

Processing under Customs control for free circulation (PCC) 
A system of import duty relief for goods imported or transferred from another Customs regime.

Production account point 
This is the precise, clearly defined point through which all tobacco products are channelled and where the production account is raised.

In relation to excise goods this term includes the owner, importer, exporter, shipper, or other person owning or being beneficially interested in the goods.

Public warehouse 
A Customs warehouse available for use by any person for the warehousing of goods.