The onward carriage of a through inter-airport removal or a through transit, by a carrier who is not the inward carrier of the goods.

Office of exit 
Normally the last Customs offices before the goods leave the Customs territory of the European Union.

Office of export 
The Customs office where the export declaration is lodged.

Offices en route 
Frontier offices through which a Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) movement passes, on the journey to its destination. At each of these offices the container/vehicle and TIR Carnet must be presented to Customs.

Offices of departure/destination
Approved Customs offices where a Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) movement officially begins or ends. This may be at an inland clearance depot, port or airport.

On consignment 
Goods imported for post importation sale in the European Union where the value of the sale is not known at the time of importation.

The onward carriage of a through inter-airport removal or a through transit by the inward carrier of the goods.

Open account
A trade arrangement under which goods are shipped by an exporter without guarantee of payment. This is similar to offering credit to a UK customer, with the exporter bearing all the risks of offering credit. Open account payment should only be used if you have an established relationship with the buyer and is typically for exports within the European Union.

Open General Import Licence (OGIL) 
Available from the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR), this allows the import of most goods from outside the European Union without licensing formalities.

Open insurance policy 
Marine insurance policy that applies to all shipments made by an exporter over a period of time rather than a single shipment.

Originating products 
Products which have been wholly produced in the European Union (EU) or products which incorporate material not wholly produced in the EU, but which have been sufficiently transformed in the EU.

Outward processing relief (OPR) 
A system of duty relief that gives full or partial relief from import duty when European Union (EU) goods are exported outside the EU for process or repair and are subsequently re-imported.

Outward processing trade (OPT) 
Concerned with the temporary export of textiles to certain Eastern European countries for processing and re-import into the European Union. Before exporting the goods, the exporter must obtain an OPT authorisation from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.

Overseas countries and territories (OCT) 
A collective term for a large number of states which are treated similarly for the purposes of trade preferences. The OCT group consists of states which are not part of the single market, but which have historical links with various European Union member states. A complete list of the states Glossary | Business Link included in the OCT group can be found in Volume one of the Tariff.