Fast Internet: Top Priority Among Homebuyers

Fast Internet: Top Priority Among Homebuyers

Streaming, videoconferencing, online classes, and working from home. There's no denying the fact that the pandemic has caused a general change in lifestyle among many Brits. The lockdowns and stay-at-home orders have caused a shift in buyer trends. Some months ago, another survey revealed that home hunters considered greenery a top priority.

"A study done by conveyancing firm TRUE Solicitors has found that web searches for "Gardening DIY" has significantly increased. From February to March of this year 2020, search phrases like 'grow your own vegetables' has spiked with an 81% increase in searches. In the same study, it shows that people residing in cities Bristol, Sheffield, and Edinburgh are the top searchers for DIY tips."

·     Excerpt from our June 14 blog: Homebuyers Looking For Greenery

Now, another study from Internet Service Provider TalkTalk shows that two-thirds of Britons would not consider buying a house if it didn't provide a strong and reliable internet connection.

That means 62% of British homebuyers consider "strong, reliable internet connection" of great importance in deciding their future homes. Pre-COVID this was not the most important factor for homebuyers, but now 53% share that fast and reliable internet connection is the top priority.

These results reflect the growing need for a better connection. In the survey, 45% responded that they heavily relied on internet connection 24 hours a day. Pre-lockdown, the number was a lower 34%. Another 24% share that they expect to work from home more frequently.

This new study confirms our earlier article that homebuyers consider gardens and greenery a top priority (75%). Some 56% of the respondents want a quiet road. Followed by the 62% who favour strong broadband. The rest of the results show lesser than 50% on other desirable home features.

·     46% on double glazing

·     40% friendly neighbours

·     36% nearby shops

·     35% good transport links

The same survey ran an interesting question. "After moving into your new home, what is more important than any other task?"

Setting up the internet came out as the top priority among all.

Respondents answer that it's more important than putting up photos and décor (66%), painting the walls (65%) or buying new furniture (62%). While 61% would prioritise it over meeting the neighbours (61%), making repairs (55%), unpacking boxes (40%), or taking meter readings (38%).

With everything happening virtually, getting connected is most important.

Sian Doyle, Consumer Managing Director at TalkTalk, said:

"Moving house is an incredible life milestone and Brits today are taking even more care when choosing a new property. With the working from home culture likely to stay, ensuring you have an internet connection you can rely on is vital.

The research has further demonstrated the importance of home broadband and we've been significantly investing in faster fibre technologies to give customers even more choice when it comes to picking the perfect package. And for busy households working from home, we're introducing a homeworker broadband package with an additional line into the home to provide extra bandwidth for those all-important Zoom meetings with the boss."

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