All tagged Investors Book

Portuguese Golden Visa Focuses On New Investment Areas

The long-anticipated changes to Portugal’s Golden Visa programme have now been signed into law and investment will be channelled inland from January 2022. Greater Lisbon, Porto and most coastal areas of Portugal will no longer be available for investment under Portugal’s revised Golden Visa scheme. Instead, residential property investment will be directed to the less-densely populated interior and the regions of Azores and Madeira.

7 Common UK Property Investment Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

With regards to property investment, there isn’t a mistake that hasn’t already been made. Most are made by beginner investors, who haven’t yet gained the experience to avoid them. These mistakes often stop investors from continuing after their first investment and becoming property millionaires.

Here are some of the most common property investment mistakes and how to avoid them.

What Is Due Diligence And Why Is It Important?

Mergers and acquisitions can be an exciting part of business transformations, especially if you’re a business owner who's received an attractive offer from a prospective buyer. Due diligence, simply put, is essentially an investigation to target any risk from a legal perspective. It should be conducted prior to entering into any agreement or transaction.