Evictions Not Enforceable During Lockdown

Evictions Not Enforceable During Lockdown

Government announces that rental evictions will be enforced only after January 11, 2021.

Following the announcement of a second lockdown, renters in England and Wales cannot be evicted during this period. The new ban on bailiff enforcement action is now set in place.

According to the Minister of State for Housing, Christopher Pincher, bailiffs should not enforce possession orders during the so-called "Christmas Truce". This period covers December 11 to January 11.

The six months notice period will be observed until March 2021. The only exception to the said rule is for the most serious cases. In this scenario, tenants should be found to possess dangerous behaviours such as domestic abuse.

It was also confirmed that if a local lockdown is in place in a certain area, evictions will not be enforced.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said renters in financial difficulty should be allowed to stay in their homes.

"We have already taken unprecedented action to support renters during the pandemic including introducing a six month notice period and financial support to help those struggling to pay their rent.

"We are now going further by protecting renters from eviction during the new national restrictions and throughout the Christmas period – with a pause on bailiff activity other than in the most serious circumstances, such as anti-social behaviour or fraud.

"Striking the right balance between helping tenants in need while ensuring landlords have access to justice in the most serious cases."

It has been assured that courts will remain open during this second lockdown period.

This development has not been met positively by stakeholders. Timothy Douglas of ARLA Propertymark believes this will cause further distress on landlords.

"The UK government has yet again extended the ban on evictions in England and this will come as a further blow to our members.

"It will cause further distress on landlords who are currently dealing with ongoing rental arrears and add further pressure on the courts to manage the backlog of cases.

"Letting agents and the whole of the private rented sector have been impacted as a result of Covid-19 and the UK government must recognise that this is hitting both landlords and tenants financially.

"There needs to be a coordinated approach that better supports the needs of the industry and measures are put in place to further support tenants who have built up Covid-related arrears through no fault of their own."

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