Brussels Economic Forum 2019 looks at EU's global role

The 19th annual Brussels Economic Forum was held on Tuesday. The event brought in over 1,000 participants to discuss economic growth and the role of the EU globally.

Euronews' Meabh McMahon spoke with Arancha González, the director of the International Trade Centre and a panellist at the forum.

González said the EU's main priority right should be appointing leadership.

"The first pressing need is to get EU leadership in place as soon as they can," she said. "Strong leadership, diverse leadership, that can hit the ground running."

González also discussed the impact of a No-deal Brexit.

"It would look like big chaos, starting with the UK," she said. "Disruption for business. Disruption for investors. Disruption for consumers, each and every one of the UK's citizens. But it would also mean disruption for the rest of the European Union."

Watch the live interview above to hear the rest of her thoughts.


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