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Most Popular Property Search Spike: Pet-Friendly Apartments

Pet-owners unite! Google Trends has reported a spike in search queries for 'pet-friendly rentals', 'pet-friendly apartments', and even the phrase 'pet friendly'. Since the pandemic with lockdown restrictions loosening and tightening, more and more people have been getting pets or moving to more properties that are open to furry friends.

The last time records rose this high was more than 16 years ago, in 2004.

Dogs Trust conducted research that found that 78% of pet owners found it difficult to score a pet-friendly rental property. This has caused pet-owner to take up about seven times longer to settle and rent a new home.

Pet-friendly rental development operator, Fizzy Living has confirmed the sudden spike saying that of the three enquiries, one has been from pet owners. Their managing direct, Harry Downes, commented:

"One in three enquiries we receive are from pet owners and, certainly over recent months, animals have been lifelines for so many.

"Owning pets is proven to provide so many benefits to both physical and mental health, and we don't see why living in rented accommodation should be an obstacle to that."

Another pet-friendly Build-To-Rent operator, Get Living has openly welcomed the demand for more properties that allow pets. Ian Gibbs, Director of Neighbourhoods at Get Living, said:

"Looking at new enquiries received during and post-lockdown, being pet-friendly has certainly climbed the list of customers' priorities – in addition to outdoor space and reliable WiFi. Across our three neighbourhoods, we're finding 15-20% of potential customers mention pets specifically as part of their requirements. Since 1 June, our New Maker Yards site in Manchester received 80+ enquiries on pets alone."

Meanwhile, several pet charities are rallying behind MP attempts to reform letting regulations on allowable pets in rental accommodations.

Andrew Rosindell, Conservative MP for Romford, has recently introduced the Dogs and Domestic Animals Accommodation and Protection Bill in the House of Commons. The bill hopes to allow cats, dogs, and other animals to be kept in rental accommodations, for as long as owners can prove proper care.

The animal charities issued their support saying:

"Responsible dog ownership can bring huge benefits to animal and owner alike and we encourage all landlords to consider how they can work with their tenants to be dog friendly. Dog ownership can enhance the owner's mental and physical health and encourage exercise, plus dogs make great companions - all of which has only increased in importance over the past few difficult months. As many existing dog-friendly landlords will testify, dog owners can be some of the best tenants."

Peter Laurie, the deputy chief executive of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, comments: "One in five households in London now rent from social housing providers yet many animal lovers in these properties are deprived of owning a dog or cat, despite the key role animals play in helping to tackle loneliness and isolation."

Read the rest of the article, here.